The Project

The project revolves around the organization of training activities for Data Protection Officers , the new figure introduced by GDPR.

As the role data have in people’s lives gains relevance, so does the safeguard of such data. The Data Protection Reform aims at ensuring these safeguards, and in that spirit, it introduces the obligation for certain Public Entities and Companies to set up the figure of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), a professional in charge of privacy and cybersecurity issues related to data, who shall act in an independent manner.

In the effort to support every actor involved in the implementation of such measures, TAtoDPR organizes specialized Training Activities to implement the new European Privacy Regulation.


Ultimare Objective

TAtoDPR’s ultimate objective is to prepare and train professionals to effectively perform the duties of Data Protection Officers as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation. 


Long term goal

TAtoDPR’s long-term goal is to generate increased harmonization across Member States in the field of data management for people and organizations alike, protecting both and providing an excellent model for future Data Protection-related strategies.

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