The Project

The SPIRES project is carried out within the scope of the Spoke 1 of the Partenariato Esteso MICS (Made in Italy Circolare e Sostenibile), and funded by NextGeneration EU Initiative.

SPIRES will advance the state of the art of research in the field of virtual and immersive simulation and prototyping by integrating XR and haptic technology to support industrial designers in different industrial contexts (specifically SPIRES will focus on textile, aerospace and automotive domains) adopted as case studies. The idea stems from the ambition to unlock the potential of immersive simulation technologies, with a multisensory dimension, to faithfully replicate the user experience of the physical world.

The project aims to demonstrate additional benefits (sustainability, material savings and cost reduction) thanks to the synergistic application of diverse, appropriate metrics and a user-centred approach.

SPIRES will propose innovative interaction strategies for an immersive and multisensory user experience, to optimize the simulation of products and processes. Human Factors methodologies will be applied to carry out the ergonomic and cognitive assessment of the user’s tasks, and to measure the effectiveness and benefits of the proposed tools..

The project is led by RE:LAB S.r.l. in partnership with Università Suor Orsola Benincasa and Hypex S.r.l.

Objectives of the Project

The SPIRES project aims to create an innovative virtual platform for designers in sectors like textiles, automotive and aerospace.
It begins with a review of literature and state-of-the-art technology to define technical and usability requirements. The goal is to identify the best technological components (extended reality, haptic devices, and HMI) to develop the immersive environment. Evaluation metrics, including usability, ergonomics, safety, cognitive load, circular economy, and sustainability, will also be defined for the testing phase in collaboration with stakeholders.

The focus will then shift to developing both the software and hardware for the platform and the three specific use cases. At the same time, a novel user experience strategy will be designed. The key platform functionalities will include:
– First-person exploration and visualization of environments
– Multimodal interaction with objects and environments
– Product design capabilities
– Interaction evaluation
– Performance monitoring

SPIRES will follow an iterative prototyping approach, testing each stage to identify inefficiencies and bugs. Testing will use a defined methodology to gather data on technical functionality, usability, and sustainability. The process will involve users and experts, with multiple testing cycles leading to the final prototype and project output.

Disclaimer: Il progetto in corso di realizzazione è stato selezionato e finanziato nell’ambito del Programma PE0000004 CUP D43C22003120001 ed è finanziato nell’ambito del PNRR, dall’Unione europea – NextGenerationEU.

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