• Year: 2024


ESCALATION aims to create a flexible micro-service-based framework for solving optimization problems in an effective, secure and scalable way. The project, with a duration of 30 months, integrates Cloud and Fog computing techniques with a security-by-design approach. The main scenarios considered are logistics and energy communities.

The project was co-financed by the 2021-2027 European Funds of the Emilia-Romagna Region and will last 30 months.

Objectives of the Project

ESCALATION addresses highly relevant topics that are closely linked to digital and green transition priorities. Scalability and security are proposed as an answer to organizational complexity. The project starts from case studies related to different sectors with the ultimate goal of proposing a flexible and open system, easily adaptable to different problems and scenarios.

ESCALATION responds to the increasing complexity that every organization is facing by offering solutions based on flexibility, security and scalability and taking advantage of the agility offered by architectures such as cloud computing. From this point of view, the project is at the forefront by embracing the entire spectrum of computing continuum and integrating classic cloud computing also with edge-based solutions that are typical of fog computing. Great attention is paid to identifying solutions that follow a security-by-design approach.

In this context, RE:LAB has the key task of designing the front-end architecture of the optimisation platform starting from identifying usability and functional requirements for an easy and intuitive use of microservices by different groups of users, and ensure an optimal and novel user experience. This design approach will in the end simplify the adoption of the proposed system, significantly lowering the initial training time necessary for the use of the framework developed by ESCALATION.


Project Partnership:

– UniMORE – CRIS – Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale sulla Sicurezza e Prevenzione dei Rischi

– UNIFE – MechLav

– RE:Lab S.r.l.


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