Our products for interaction engineering.

With years of expertise in interaction engineering, we’ve developed a range of cutting-edge products designed to enhance HMI functionality, simplify workflows, and create seamless user experiences. Our solutions make interaction effortless, helping our customers work smarter while delivering an intuitive and engaging experience for their users.



How do you feel about having agricultural implements as easy to use as USB sticks? “Plug and play” implements, to be attached to agricultural tractors!

Are you an implement manufacturer? This would dramatically improve your business and multiply your opportunities with OEMs.
Are you an OEM? A plug and play tractor would be a business dream! Here it is: ISOBUS is the protocol which makes this plug and play experience possible. RE:LAB has a widely used and consolidated stack – a proprietary software library – which allows agricultural tractors and implements to become ISOBUS compatible.


DQuid: a world of IoT.

HMI supports the communication between things and people, but sometimes things need to talk to other things. That’s what Internet of Things (IoT) is about, and it takes clever engineering to make it happen.

RE:LAB’s DQuid Technology provides a solution for bridging the digital and the physical world: it is addressed to manufacturers who need to extract data from their products and to software developers who need to handle those data.

DQuid is a modular Internet of Things (IoT) Platform that eases the pain of extracting data from physical products and making them available for processing or sharing. Regardless of the industry or the protocol your product talks, through DQuid data can be extracted in a human-readable format the that protects developers from the intricacies of domain-specific protocols.

If Automotive is your business, and your product has no way to connect to external devices, DQuid may come to you in the shape of GINO, a connectivity dongle that plugs into your vehicle’s OBD-II port and hosts DQuid’s firmware – with no need to tinker with your own product design.


The HMI box.

Do you have a User Interface that you want to test before the production? Is it hard to find easy to use off-the-shelf solutions to do so? We know very well that production-ready HMI devices are not flexible enough to be used as prototypes! At the same time, don’t you like to tell the story with the slides? Or narrate your HMI with interactive PC based sketches? HMI box is what you need! What? Yes, all the HMI in a BOX.

An embedded hardware with different networking protocols (CAN, K-Line, ISOBUS, TCP-IP, etc.) for easy integration with your products (cars, motorcycle, tractors, industrial machinery, home appliances, … you name it). You then connect the HMI BOX to one or more displays and every other HMI input/output device you may think of.

Most of all, thanks to our software kit, it’s ready to show and let you and your customer interact with the most magnificent HMIs you have done, whatever tools, code, or prototyping system have been used. Try it!

Keep in contact.

If you are interested in collaborating with us or if you would like information about our services, please contact us and we will be happy to help. Let’s get in touch and make something great happen.